
Kertos co-financed by the European Union

Kertos received 2.2 million euros in funding from the European Union in 2024 as part of the EUPROFIT project! These funds support our mission to automate manual and often costly compliance with data protection regulations through innovative AI solutions.

Dr. Kilian Schmidt
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Kertos co-financed by the European Union

We are pleased to announce that in 2024, Kertos received €2.2 million in funding from the European Union as part of the EUProFIT project! This funding supports our mission to automate the manual and often costly compliance with data protection regulations through innovative AI solutions.

EUProFIT: A Gamechanger for Data Protection Compliance

The EUProFIT project was launched to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) simplify GDPR compliance. Our solutions minimize the need for expensive external legal advice and make compliance processes more efficient.

Our Innovations Under EUProFIT

To make data protection compliance simpler, faster, and more cost-effective, we are developing the following technologies as part of the project:

  • Knowledge Graph: An intelligent tool that maps a company’s data protection policies, partners, and data flows. It provides context-driven, precise answers to GDPR-related questions without requiring businesses to sift through complex legal texts.
  • Chatbot & Autofill: Our AI-powered solution automates the completion of forms and documents by extracting relevant information from the Knowledge Graph. This saves valuable time and ensures all entries are accurate and compliant.
  • Compliance Monitor: This tool continuously monitors a company’s internal processes for GDPR compliance. When new software is introduced or processes change, it automatically audits them, identifies risks, and provides corrective measures.

Why Is This Important?

Manual GDPR compliance is a major challenge for many businesses. High costs, complex regulations, and an ever-growing administrative burden make it difficult, especially for SMEs, to stay on top of requirements. With EUProFIT, we focus on automation, helping businesses not only remain compliant but also gain competitive advantages through more efficient processes.

Thanks to the EU funding received in 2024, we are well on our way to becoming a leading force in AI-driven compliance in Europe. The future of AI-powered compliance is promising, and we are excited to drive this transformation forward!

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Kertos co-financed by the European Union
Bereit, deine Compliance auf Autopilot zu setzen?
Dr Kilian Schmidt

Dr Kilian Schmidt

CEO & Co-Founder, Kertos GmbH

Dr. Kilian Schmidt entwickelte schon früh ein starkes Interesse an rechtlichen Prozessen. Nach seinem Studium der Rechtswissenschaften begann er seine Karriere als Senior Legal Counsel und Datenschutzbeauftragter bei der Home24 Gruppe. Nach einer Tätigkeit bei Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer wechselte er zu TIER Mobility, wo er als General Counsel maßgeblich am Ausbau der Rechts- und Public Policy-Abteilung beteiligt war - und das Unternehmen von einer auf 65 Städte und von 50 auf 800 Mitarbeiter vergrößerte. Motiviert durch die begrenzten technologischen Fortschritte im Rechtsbereich und inspiriert durch seine beratende Tätigkeit bei Gorillas Technologies, war er Co-Founder von Kertos, um die nächste Generation der europäischen Datenschutztechnologie zu entwickeln.

Über Kertos

Kertos ist das moderne Rückgrat der Datenschutz- und Compliance-Aktivitäten von skalierenden Unternehmen. Wir befähigen unsere Kunden, integrale Datenschutz- und Informationssicherheitsprozesse nach DSGVO, ISO 27001, TISAX®, SOC2 und vielen weiteren Standards durch Automatisierung schnell und günstig zu implementieren.

Bereit für Entlastung in Sachen DSGVO?

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