AI training now available on the Kertos platform
We are pleased AI trainings and quizzes present on the Kertos platform, which enable organizations to strengthen the AI expertise of their teams while meeting one of the requirements of the EU AI Act.

AI awareness training modules
These courses teach the Basics of AI, including Bias detection and responsible AI practices. They are designed to support teams with essential knowledge equip to work effectively with AI systems.
Quizzes to assess AI competency
Interactive quizzes help employees understand AI concepts and regulatory requirements to evaluate and improve. They support the continuous learning And the Adherence to best practices.
Compliance with the AI Act and ISO 42001
Section 1.2 of the AI Acts Calls on companies to take steps to ensure that their employees have sufficient level of AI competence dispose of. Also writes ISO 42001 before that employees who are involved in the operation of AI systems AI awareness training must complete. These new training modules help organizations meet these compliance standards.
Supporting responsible use of AI
Since himself AI regulations Continuously develop, organizations must ensure that their teams are optimally adapted to responsible use of AI technologies are prepared. The new training content on Kertos provide the necessary knowledge and tools to to meet compliance requirements And at the same time a ethical and safe use of AI to promote.
Sign up on the Kertos platform On to the new AI training modules to discover.