<h1 class="heading-style-h1">Discover the Kertos<span class="text-color-secondary"> Artificial Intelligence</span></h1>

The smart AI for compliance: Kertos Artificial Intelligence helps you to implement complex regulatory requirements more easily and quickly.


<h2 class="heading-style-h2">Minimal effort for<span class="text-color-secondary"> maximum compliance</span></h2>

Kertos Artificial Intlligence helps you to implement complex regulatory requirements more easily and quickly. Thanks to AI-supported analysis and automation, you can maintain an overview at all times.

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What our customers say

We make compliance exciting: Whether B2C, B2B, startup, or scaleup, Kertos is the right solution for companies looking to grow quickly.

Thomas Gan
Thomas Gan
Co-Founder, MuffinTech

“Fast, straightforward, and seamlessly automated!”

It's incredible how effortlessly the Kertos team guided us through the complex ISO 27001 process. Fast, straightforward, and seamlessly automated! Compliance is no longer on our minds because Kertos takes care of everything.

Mirco Möncks
Mirco Möncks
Co-Founder & CTO, Augmented Industries

“Absolutely impressed us”

From start to ISO 27001 in 2.5 months? — With Kertos, this goal was possible. We were absolutely impressed by the combination of technical innovation, comprehensive expert knowledge and flexible adaptation to our business needs.

Ferdinand Schmidt-Thomé
Ferdinand Schmidt-Thomé
Co-Founder, Aware

“Flexible and scalable solution for GDPR compliance”

As a health-tech company that deals with sensitive customer data, we have found a flexible and scalable solution to comply with the GDPR in Kertos. It strengthens the trust of our customers, sets new standards through automation, and the support team is consistently responsive and reliable when it comes to urgent concerns — Kertos is therefore the all-in-one solution that really pays off for us.

Julian Lübke
Julian Lübke
Co-Founder & CEO, deeploi

“Real compliance powerhouse”

Kertos quickly and precisely guided us through the GDPR and ISO27001 certification compliance jungle. The Kertos platform was easy to implement and is a real compliance powerhouse due to the high level of automation.

Janina Möllmann
Janina Möllmann
CEO @GAIA Technologies

“ISO 27001 certification within a few weeks”

With Kertos, we were able to achieve our ISO27001 certification within a few weeks. It was immediately obvious that this was a powerful compliance automation solution developed in and for the European market!

Claudio Kusnitzoff
Claudio Kusnitzoff
Teamlead Online Product, Wellster Healthtech

“Reclaim valuable time”

With Kertos' access management solution, we can efficiently automate the tracking and documentation of access to our protected systems. This gives us valuable time that we can invest in developing our own product.

<h2 class="heading-style-h2">Are you ready to put your compliance<span class="text-color-secondary"> on autopilot?</span></h2>

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Automate your compliance with intuitive no-code workflows.

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Discover our resources

Find useful whitepapers, videos, and practical tools to help you efficiently achieve your compliance goals.


Frequently asked questions

Information about Kertos' compliance platform

Wie unterstützt Kertos Artificial Intelligence verschiedene Branchen?

Kertos Artificial Intelligence bietet maßgeschneiderte Empfehlungen für Healthtech, Fintech, SaaS & Scaleups sowie den Mittelstand. Die KI berücksichtigt branchenspezifische Herausforderungen und optimiert Compliance-Prozesse entsprechend.

Wie verbessert Kertos Artificial Intelligence die Audit-Vorbereitung?

Durch Echtzeit-Analysen, automatische Risikobewertungen und proaktive Handlungsempfehlungen stellt Kertos Artificial Intelligence sicher, dass Unternehmen audit-sicher arbeiten und alle regulatorischen Anforderungen erfüllen.

Was ist Kertos Artificial Intelligence und wie hilft sie bei Compliance?

Kertos Artificial Intelligence ist eine KI-gestützte Lösung, die Compliance-Prozesse automatisiert, Risiken reduziert und Unternehmen gezielt durch regulatorische Anforderungen wie ISO 27001, GDPR, DORA und NIS2 führt.

Welche Compliance-Aufgaben kann Kertos Artificial Intelligence automatisieren?

Kertos Artificial Intelligence automatisiert die Erstellung von Compliance-Dokumenten, identifiziert Risiken in Echtzeit, gibt kontextbezogene Empfehlungen und sorgt für eine intelligente Navigation durch regulatorische Anforderungen.

Welche Vorteile bietet Kertos Artificial Intelligence gegenüber manuellen Compliance-Prozessen?

Kertos Artificial Intelligence reduziert manuellen Aufwand um bis zu 80 %, vermeidet Fehler durch Automatisierung und liefert klare, umsetzbare Handlungsschritte. So können Unternehmen schneller, effizienter und sicherer arbeiten.

Any more questions?

Our team is happy to assist you with any questions about our platform, various frameworks, and your compliance needs.

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