Data Privacy

Generate a TOMs report in seconds

Kertos now allows TOMS data to be exported directly from the detailed view. This feature facilitates external audits and internal reviews by providing data quickly and easily.

March 6, 2025
Aktualisiert am
March 6, 2025
Generate a TOMs report in seconds

Quick access for audits and internal reviews

From now on, users can export the data from the TOMS detailed view to use for audits or internal reviews. This makes it easy to share relevant information externally.

Export directly from the dashboard view

In the TOMS dashboard, there is now a export button top right. With just a few clicks, users can extract their data and use it for external purposes.

Flexibility through various export formats

When exporting, users can select the desired format, e.g. PDFto optimally adapt the data to your needs.

🔎 Try out the new TOMS export now — log directly into Kertos and try it out!

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